This compact, lightweight, easy to handle and easy to use concreter has an ergonomic design and can quickly and easily be dismantled into component parts for easy transportation and storage purposes.
As the ENAR VIB-BAR E-BATT is fully battery-powered users are not exposed to potentially hazardous fumes emitted by petrol powered equipment, especially when used indoors and in confined spaces. It is also quieter in operation and does not exposure users to the same vibration levels as petrol products, enabling it to be used safely for longer periods of time. There is also no engine to fuel or maintain. There are no trailing cables to worry about like electrically powered concrete pokers, risk of shock or the same operating limitations as petrol or electrically powered alternatives.
The flexible transmission of the VIB-BAR E-BATT is made from high quality materials and is reinforced with flexible metal strapping for added durability. The poker head itself is durable and made from wear resistant materials.