ENAR VGH BackPack Concrete Vibrator – Petrol

ENAR VGH BackPack Concrete Vibrator – Petrol

£825.00 Exc. VAT
RRP £1,320.00 Inc. VAT

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The ENAR VGH is highly portable and versatile petrol-powered concrete vibrator which is mounted in a metal-framed back pack for ease of movement to and around the jobsite.

This allows the user the freedom of movement without the constrains of access to an electrical power source, trailing cables or a heavy, cumbersome PDU (Poker Drive Unit), or other determining restrictions and limitations, enabling it to be used almost anywhere.

The ergonomic back pack itself weighs just 7 kgs, its weight distributed across the incorporated supportive padded harness for increased operator comfort and ease of manoeuvrability. Its 4-Stroke Honda GX35 4T engine uses less fuel and produces less emissions than 2-Stroke counterparts.

The ENAR VGH BackPack is supplied a ENAR TDX 3m flexible shaft and an AX40 40mm dia. poker head; everything you need to get going, excluding the fuel! The long 3m flexible shaft of the VGH enables it to be used for deeper concrete pours and a wider range of tasks.

VGH (Honda 4-Stroke petrol) – (1.3Hp/1.0kW). VGH BackPack petrol drive unit c/w 3m flexible shaft and 40mm poker head. 15kg.

ENAR is a Spanish manufacturer and the world leader in Concrete Vibrators. Their products are well-respected, market proven and have been used extensively around the world for more than 40 years.

SKU: VGH-BackPack

This highly portable and versatile lightweight petrol concreter is equipped with a centrifugal clutch and has a throttle controller and stop button integrated in the handle for operator convenience and ease of use.

In addition to the incorporated padded weight distributing harness, a padded belt is also included to further improve operator comfort.

The VGH can quickly and easily be dismantled into 2 convenient components parts (backpack and flexible shaft c/w poker head) for easy transportation and storage.

The flexible transmission of the VGH is made from high quality materials and is reinforced with flexible metal strapping for added durability. The poker head itself is durable and made from wear resistant materials.

  Drive Unit
Engine Honda GX35 – 4-Stroke
Engine Capacity 35.8cc
Power 1.3Hp/1.0kW
Weight 7kg


  Pendulum Poker Head
Diameter 40mm
Length 325mm
Speed 9,500 rpm
Performance 25m3/h
Weight 3kg


  Flexible Transmission
Length 3m
Weight 5kg

Should you require clarification on a product before ordering or assistance post ordering, please do not hesitate to contact our sales & support team on 0116 260 2601 (+44 116 260 2601 outside the UK) between 8:30AM and 5.00PM Monday to Friday (excluding Bank and Public Holidays), or via email; [email protected]. Alternatively you can fill out the contact form on our contact us page.

If you have question regarding cancellation, returns or damages please refer to our Delivery & Returns page or again contact us to clarify.

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